There are many stories of gay, bi and trans people that had friends that would joke around this way and they felt that they couldn’t come out because their friends were homophobic. These jokes may be getting to someone that is in the closet and they only push them further in the closet. You could also mention that just because you all think everyone in the group is straight and cis doesn’t mean they actually are. If they don’t that shows that there was no respect and you can do better than fake friends that don’t respect you. If they are really your friends they will make the change. And if it keeps up I will cut communication. This could be something like I will leave the chat or I will not respond if this continues. When you ask them to stop set the boundary and stick to it. You could bring this up with them when you ask them to stop. I get the whole joking around with friends and pushing things a little, I was raised in snark and sarcasm, but there is always a line that you respect with the people you are joking with. They are your friends and should respect you enough to stop because you asked. I think that because you aren’t comfortable with it and don’t like it should be enough of a reason for them to stop sending them.